Monday, November 30, 2015

Make sure you pull through all they way through your whole stroke and not ending it early.
Make sure your palms are always parallel to the bottom of the pool while you are pulling through.

Dont be worried that your are pulling to slow because you are focusing on that little bit of pulling at the end because it is learned through muscle memmory and if your not learning anything your just burning calories and nothing new will be learned that day

You can be mindlessly swimming for a 1000 years and you will not gain anything, swimming is about focusing on the little parts and building a better stroke through actually acknowledge
what your doing wrong and fixing it.

This can be also applied to life.

Acknowledge  : to say that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of something.

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Here is gif of my favorite front shoulder workout my brother Andrey introduced me to it quite a while ago.

Get a elastic band and find a stationary object (I used the metal part of the squat rack)

then hold both in your hand make sure they are both same length on both sides and lean in a bit putting one leg forward and make sure you are looking up and forward not down and extend your hands forward feel the the contractions then let go and do it again. Do as many reps you can do but make sure you do the same amount in every set so you can get those muscles to rip.
Yesterday 11/28/2015 I ran 5 miles on the tread mill at a 7:59 pace, this is a big step up but I also think not listing to music helped me and not being on coffee

Because on 11/27 I was talking to this Guy name Mark someone who is at top notch Muscle build very clean diet he told me he does not like to listen to music he likes to listen to the machine work.

This is very different of what I have been doing listening music at all times but this actually makes sense, you cannot rely on music for the consistency of top level athleticism so, I began from that day try not to listen to music at all. I even started doing crunches and variations of ab workout (without music) and I could feel my abs when they where slacking and being pulled to the maximum contraction.

I have a picture of my feet you can see the calluses building up near my big toe I think that's where I absorb my impact the most I do not run on my heels because that will wear down my knees throughout the years, it funny how many don't even think about it but one little change can have a big impact of your whole body and how it is erect. 
I Actually had to stitch my right foot because it has softer padding then my left but you can see the damage hopefully callus will build up so there will be no skin ripping off.

I recently quit smoking weed in September, Since then my 200m, 100m and 50m went down drastically.

I have been smoking since I was 17, I am 22 now and have been 3 months Weed free non what so ever. 

I would get around 3 minutes best (with fins on) for my 200m free , back then when I smoked, now my most recent is 2:34 (with fins on) this is with out diving in and without cap.

My lowest times with same setting for 100m is 1:02, and my 50m is at the 24 second range again this is with my flippers on no diving in and no swim cap at the Morgan Family YMCA.

I use my Garmin Swim Watch to record everything, I recently found out my seal is broken on my watch and need replacement so I cannot record times until I fix it because its very expensive watch cant risk it 150$ to be exact.